All Campuses Announcements

A Note from Pastor John

I still hope to baptize at Shoal Creek the afternoon of Easter Sunday. We can keep the crowd small...just those being baptized and their closest friends and family. It's a great opportunity for you to follow Christ's example and take the plunge! Email me or your campus pastor to get more information. You'll be glad you did!

Easter River Baptisms

When: Sun, Apr 12 | 2:00 pm
Where: Shoal Creek

We will be baptizing at Shoal Creek on Easter Sunday. It’s the perfect day for you to follow Christ’s example and take the plunge! Use your Communication Card, or talk to any of our pastors to get more information.

Project Neighbor

If you have a desire to love your neighbor by helping with practical needs, you can serve as a Project Neighbor team member. When needs arise, you’ll be sent an email. Respond if you’re able to meet the need. It’s that simple! Write “Project Neighbor” on your Communication Card for more information.

Download Our Mobile App

We have a mobile app you can use to stay-up-to-date when you’re on the go. On your phone or tablet, open your App Store and search for “Forest Park,” then download the FREE mobile app. With the mobile app, you can watch sermons, fill in message notes, register for events, find a LifeGroup or place to serve, and more. Download the mobile app today!


We encourage you to invest in people in your circle of influence, so you can invite them into a relationship with Jesus, which leads them to grow in their new faith by involving them in your LifeGroup or ministry. Make a difference by intentionally investing in someone’s life today.

Interested in Membership?

If you’re interested in becoming a member at Forest Park, you’ll need to go through our brief Discovering Forest Park class. Visit

Join a LifeGroup

LifeGroups are the primary way for people at Forest Park to grow closer to God by studying the Bible, developing relationships and serving others. Visit; learn what LifeGroups are available; get questions answered, and test drive a LifeGroup!


Joplin Announcements


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