[ əˈbaʊnd ] verb
:to be filled or abundantly supplied
"And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."
- Philippians 1:9-11
- Philippians 1:9-11

Join Us For A Weekend Of:
• Live Biblical teaching from special guest speaker Ruth Chou Simons
• Worship & Prayer with other women
• Breakout Sessions focused on specific topics to encourage and inspire you
• An optional after-hours time to connect on Friday night (8-9 pm)
• A light brunch on Saturday
• Worship & Prayer with other women
• Breakout Sessions focused on specific topics to encourage and inspire you
• An optional after-hours time to connect on Friday night (8-9 pm)
• A light brunch on Saturday

Friday, February 21
5:00 - 6:00 pm | Doors Open/Registration
6:00 - 7:30 pm | Main Session 1
7:30 - 8:00 pm | Book Signing
8:00 - 9:00 pm | After Hours Social
6:00 - 7:30 pm | Main Session 1
7:30 - 8:00 pm | Book Signing
8:00 - 9:00 pm | After Hours Social
Saturday, February 22
7:00 - 8:00 am | Doors Open/Registration
8:00 - 9:30 am | Main Session 2
9:30 - 10:30 am | Breakout 1
10:30 - 11:00 am | Brunch
11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Breakout 2
12:00 - 1:00 pm | Q & A Session
1:00 pm | Event Concludes
8:00 - 9:30 am | Main Session 2
9:30 - 10:30 am | Breakout 1
10:30 - 11:00 am | Brunch
11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Breakout 2
12:00 - 1:00 pm | Q & A Session
1:00 pm | Event Concludes
Breakout Sessions
Life is full of seasons: moments we move, change, and grow through. These seasons are not meant to be permanent places to dwell, rather they are temporary dots on the roadmap of our lives. Some seasons can feel like a never-ending winter, while others we wish we could cling to just a little longer. The Abound breakout sessions will meet you in whatever season you find yourself in, encouraging you to embrace your current season – even if that means you have to endure it a little longer. Breakout Hosts will offer practical, biblically-focused guidance that will speak to your heart and mind. Select the two seasons that you hope to abound in the most.
Seasons Of Unknowns
Seasons of unknowns can cause stress, doubt, second-guessing, and a desperate need for control. We can find ourselves asking big questions that affect our present situation and the trajectory for the rest of our lives. What should I major in? Will I ever meet “the one?” Should I take that new job? I’m retired, what’s next? In this breakout, you will learn what to do with the unknowns. This season offers more than an endless list of questions. It’s a time to trust, a time to abide, and a time for straight paths to form from the darkness.
Seasons Of Overwhelm
Busy seasons of life are inevitable. Full-time taxi, full-time cook and maid, and full-time jobs plus other responsibilities that are supposed to leave you fulfilled instead push you to the brink. There is no way you can do it all. There is no prize for the busiest woman on earth, even if you think you may be in the running for that title. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the weight of self-imposed expectations and endless responsibilities, this breakout will give you strategies to manage busy schedules and help you discover balance and even rest.
Seasons Of Wilderness Wandering
Every day seems like the one before – same routine, same schedule, same conversations, same, same, same. What’s the point? Is there purpose in a season of wilderness wandering? Have you ever felt like the Israelites, wandering in the desert for 40 years – will you have to wander for 40 years!? In this breakout, you will learn how to turn your wandering into a time of discovery. What new thing does God have for you in your wilderness season?
Seasons Of Waiting & Wanting
Patience is a virtue, or so they say. When it comes to seasons of waiting and wanting, you’ve exhausted your patience, and it seems impossible not to compare your life to those around you. Maybe you’ve prayed for a spouse, a baby, your dream home, or an early retirement so you can travel and finally feel like you can enjoy life. But the fulfillment of those desires is always just out of reach, and there is nothing you can do to make it happen. In this breakout, you will discover there is a purpose in your waiting and wanting. God will redeem the wait to bring about something beautiful in a way that you may least expect.
Seasons Of Anxiousness
Anxious thoughts can fill our heads and leave us spinning. Worry, fear, panic, and apprehension may be your first reaction to every situation on any given day. A season filled with anxiety does more than create ulcers and turn those lovely hairs on your head sparkly white. Anxiety can keep you from experiencing the peace and freedom to live your life fully. In this breakout, you will be given practical tools to arm you in the battle against anxiety. You will be equipped with Biblical principles that quiet your thoughts and lead you into peace.
Seasons Of Hiddenness
Whether you feel like the world does not see you for who you are or you are hiding parts of yourself from the world, seasons of hiddenness make you question your purpose and value. Anger, unforgiveness, and shame can cause us to turn inward even farther, trapping us in a well of bitterness and regret. In these dark, unseen places within our lives, we cannot hide from God. He sees us, every part of us, and He knows just what we need. In this breakout session, you will discover how times of great growth come from seasons of hiddenness. God can bring beautiful life and light into these seasons when we allow Him to till the soil of our souls.
Seasons Of Growth
learning, comprehending, and demonstrating our faith through action. We are intentional with our time and our gifting. As we are stretched, it feels good to exercise a mobility we did not know we were capable of before. As we learn to walk closer to God and mature in our faith, not only do we notice, but others do, too. We love these moments in our lives because they often only last for a season. How do we maintain a season of growth? In this breakout, you will discover how to move from a desire to merely maintain growth to a lifetime of flourishing, producing fruit that lasts for many seasons to come.
Seasons Of Purpose
Maybe the season you find yourself in right now is one of purpose and joy. You are content, your life has substance, and you are enjoying this season of blessing. What do we do with seasons where we are on fire for God? How do we stoke that fire to keep it purposeful without getting out of control? In this breakout, you will discover how to focus your purpose and joy on the Giver. You will hear testimonies of how God has worked in the lives of women who were willing to give their all to God and how God blessed them through that season.