Awana Clubs
For Grades K-12
Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
September 4, 2024 - May 7, 2025
Age Range
Uniform Cost
Grades K-2
Grades 3-6
Trek is for students in grades 7-8 who want to memorize Scripture, study the Bible and develop the discipline of having a daily quiet time with the Lord.
Grades 7-8
Journey is for students in grades 9-12 who want to memorize Scripture, study the Bible and develop the discipline of having a daily quiet time with the Lord.
Grades 9-12
How to Enroll in Awana Clubs
Awana Clubs at Forest Park are designed to help our kids at Joplin and Carthage come to know, love and serve the Lord.
To enroll your child, click the link above, stop by the church, or call the Church Office at 417-623-4606.
There is a $30 registration fee per student, which can be paid at one time or in installments of $15 per semester or $1 weekly. This helps with the cost of books, book bags, awards, Awana Clubs store items, and snacks that we provide for your child during Awana. We also ask each Awana member to purchase his or her own Awana Clubs uniform after completing the Club entrance booklet.
From the Awana Ministry Directors
We consider it a privilege to teach young people about God and His plan for their lives.
Awana meetings are jam-packed with fun! Our Clubs are led by leaders who love the Lord and care about young people. The Club materials are filled with verses from the Bible and guidelines to help kids memorize and understand them.
To help your child get the most enjoyment out of their Awana experience, please use the following checklist as a guideline:
Students should arrive on time (5:45-6:00 pm), and be picked up promptly at 8:00 pm.
Kids 6th grade and under must be picked up at their classroom at 8:00 pm by a parent, or a sibling who is in 7th grade or above.
Make sure your child brings their Awana book and wears their Awana uniform to Club.
Help your child prepare at least 1 section before Club each week.
Encourage your child. Kids have more fun when mom and dad show interest in their accomplishments.
If the registration fee or the cost of the Awana Clubs uniform are a financial burden to your family, please call the Church Office and speak to the Awana Ministry Director for your location.
We are looking forward to a great year!
In His Service,
Denise Remington - Joplin Ministry Director (417-623-4606)
Mike Jakaitis - Joplin Kids Pastor (417-825-5771)
Kristen Bloyd - Carthage Kids Minister (417-358-9955)
Jessica Barrett - Carthage Awana Ministry Director (417-358-9955)
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15