Dear Parents,
Due to COVID-19 our Awana Clubs will not meet for the time being. We want to make sure that our Awana students who want to complete their books have the opportunity to do so. We are authorizing parents to sign off on the handbook sections for their children so they can continue to progress through their books for as long as we are unable to have Awana. Awana guidelines for section standards are enclosed in a letter coming home to each child. Read through these standards before your child recites their verses to you.
A copy of your child’s record card is also enclosed so you will know what sections they have completed thus far. After your child passes a section, put the date in the box on the record card that corresponds with the section they passed. Our Trek and Journey Awana Clubs have additional requirements listed on their record card that need to be completed, too. Trek and Journey Bible book reports can be emailed to their Awana Director. Details regarding this are attached to the enclosed book report form. Please contact the Awana Ministry Director or Kids Minister for your campus if you have questions about book requirements or section standards.
Many of our students have been working diligently toward their goal of completing their Awana book for months, and will want to continue on to meet that goal. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to help your child reach their goal as you spend time digging into God’s Word with them.
At this point we don’t know how long we will be unable to have Awana, so continue working with your child at home until further notice. Books and record cards can be turned in to be checked when Awana resumes or when students have completed them, and we will make sure they receive their book completion award. If your child left their Awana book at church, you can contact your Awana Ministry Director and make arrangements to pick it up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7: These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Thank you,
Joplin Kids Pastor
Mike Jakaitis
Joplin Awana Director
Sheri Swadly
Carthage Kids Minister
Kristen Bloyd
Carthage Awana Ministry Director
Jessica Barrett
North Kids Minister
Abbey Webb
North Awana Ministry Director
Lindsey Hardister